Movies about work and office life are some of my favorite types of movies. I love the comedies that center upon the idiosyncrasies of the office, the dramas that focus on a workplace gone corrupt, and the thrillers that focus on a character whose entire life is that job – and they lose it. So, I thought I’d compile some of my favorite movies based on work and office life that I recommend you add to your movie list.
- The Company Men (2010)
This movie centers on three men in executive level positions losing their jobs. Ben Affleck stars as a man that can’t quite accept losing the lifestyle to which he’s grown accustomed. Along with him, Chris Cooper plays a man who can’t accept that he lost his job at all and the difficulty that lies ahead of him. While Tommy Lee Jones plays a man balancing two different lives and seeking a way back to who he used to be when he first started. Even if you can’t relate to the executive lifestyle, I think we can all relate to how it feels to lose your job. For some, it feels like losing your identity. For others, you can’t seem to get your life back on track the way it was before.
I loved this movie for the honest way it portrays the unemployment process and how humbling it feels to try to sell yourself to a prospective employer.
Keep a look out for: Kevin Costner’s low key role as Ben Affleck’s brother in law.
Favorite Quote: What’s the worse thing they can do? Fire us?
Find out more info on IMDb.
- Clockwatchers (1997)
I came across this movie for the first time many years ago, way before I ever entered the workplace. It’s an early role for Toni Collette. She plays a character who is hired as a temp for a credit company. Toni Collette’s character is initially quiet, insecure, and trying not to be seen. When she bonds with three other temps, an office thief emerges, and a woman gets hired on as a permanent, things begin to change around her – and within her.
I’ve never been a temp before but I can relate to how it feels to have work friends. I also loved their individual struggles to find their place in an office. That’s why I loved this movie.
Keep a look out for: Parker Posey’s dry wit.
Favorite quote: The only real challenge with this job, is trying to look busy when there’s nothing to do.
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- Margin Call (2011)
Anyone remember the 2008 financial crisis? Yeah, thought so. So, I watched this movie a few months I lost my job in 2018 and I really enjoyed it. This basically is about an investment bank in the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis. It showcases their first glimpses into what’s about to happen to all of us at that time. It’s thrilling (and sometimes confusing).
What I loved about this movie is that it is another glimpse into how so many of us identify with our role at work. That moment in the very beginning of the movie when people are let go and they are left with is a box of stuff, felt really familiar to me.
Keep a look out for: The boardroom scene when the major financial loss about to hit is revealed to the people in charge.
Favorite Quote: So you’re a rocket scientist.
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- Office Space (1999)
How can I have a blog post discussing movies about work without mentioning Office Space? Weirdly, I didn’t like this movie when it first came out but I grew to really love it when I started working after college. So, basically we follow along Peter Gibbons who absolutely hates his office job. When he gets hypnotized, his entire perspective changes and suddenly, his approach to work is entirely different. What comes with this new perspective, is the upcoming layoffs at work and a new relationship with a waitress who works nearby.
I loved this movies portrayal of the dry, frustrating qualities of office life. All the irritating coworkers and paranoia about layoffs are displayed perfectly in this movie.
Keep an eye out for: Director Mike Judge as Jennifer Aniston’s boss in the restaurant.
Favorite Quote: I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be.
Find out more info on IMDb.
- The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Will Smith stars in this movie about the true, inspiring story of Chris Gardner. In the midst of raising his son alone, and struggling to make ends meet, he loses his apartment. All the while he takes on an unpaid internship while working as a salesman for a somewhat unpopular bone density scanner machine. He stays focused on the fact that this position has potential to turn into a paid position and the life of him and his son.
Will Smith plays a touching role as a father to his real-life son in this movie. It’s incredibly inspiring and one of the reasons I always keep my eye out for internships when I look for work.
Keep a look out for: the touching ending (that brings tears to my eyes every time).
Favorite quote: This part of my lifeā¦ this part right here? This is called “happyness.”
Find out more info on IMDb.
- Working Girl (1988)
I love this movie, especially the Carly Simon song that goes with it: “Let the River Run.” Melanie Griffith plays Tess McGill who is a woman trying to make her way in the business world. When she brings her ideas to her new female boss, she finds out later on that her boss was trying to spin those ideas as her own. Tess changes things around, taking on the identity of her boss, and teaming up with a colleague met at a party to get the deal she deserves.
What I love about this movie is Tess’ determination to have her ideas heard. It left me inspired after watching this movie.
Keep a look out for: Joan Cusack’s role as her supportive best friend.
Favorite quote: Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? Me?
Find out more info on IMDb.
- Mr. Mom (1983)
In this movie, Michael Keaton stars as Jack who loses his job and takes on the role of “Mom” while his wife returns to work. Things are turned on their head for Jack as he does all the work his wife did before, including taking care of the kids, doing the shopping, doing the laundry, and everything else he never paid attention to or appreciated before.
What I love the most about this movie is that the core of this movie isn’t about work but family. At the same time, I also love Teri Garr (Michael Keaton’s wife) taking on her career and trying to make it in the male dominated working world she enters into.
Keep a look out for: the two adorable little kids and especially, the littlest one’s tender moment of letting go of his “woobie.”
Favorite quote: It’s real easy to forget what’s important, so don’t.
Find out more info on IMDb.
- Up in the Air (2009)
I love when a movie has Michael Keaton narrating. In this movie, Michael Keaton stars as a man who lets people go for a living. When a young woman (Anna Kendrick) comes in and dares to bring in a new way of doing things, and a new love of his life comes into the picture, he realizes life isn’t as cut and dry as he thought.
What I love about this movie is watching the change that happens over time to a man that seems to want to remain disconnected from people. I also love the bit of romance in this one. While it focuses on the prospect of losing your job, it’s more about finding a connection and caring for another person.
Keep a look out for: anyone who are being let go that don’t have a dialogue with George Clooney or Anna Kendrick. Those are real people who were let go from their jobs and were brought in to say what they wish they could say to their boss.
Favorite quote: At what point were you going to stop and go back to what made you happy?
Find out more info on IMDb.
- Norma Rae (1979)
This isn’t your usual office life type of movie. This is about a single mother working as a textile worker who gets involved with helping bring a union into her mill. What comes with that is a sea of problems and dangers as she challenges the lousy working conditions. She gets pushed and pulled from all sides, including her family members and fiance, and struggles to stay focused on what she believes.
I love this movie because it’s all about fighting the status quo and confronting corruption. Actually, my mom has always reminded me of Norma Rae and I think that’s why this movie is one of my favorites.
Keep a look out for: that moment when Sally Field (playing Norma Rae) stops production in the mill by holding up a union sign, and everyone stops their machinery in support.
Favorite quote: I’m stayin’ right where I am. It’s gonna take you and the police department and the fire department and the National Guard to get me outta here!
Find out more info on IMDb.
- Erin Brockovich (2000)
In this movie, Julia Roberts plays a single mother who becomes a legal assistant and takes on the California power company in a fight to prove their involvement in polluting the water supply. This is more than just a movie about confronting corruption, it’s also about the dedication of a lady who becomes part of a larger cause. It’s also based on a true story too, which is even cooler.
Like I said, I love movies that confronts corruption. This one especially because of Julia Robert’s excellent lines and the connection she builds with the people of this town. This movie will definitely inspire you to go outside your comfort zone.
Keep a look out for: Erin Brokovich herself, the real lady, who has a cameo as a waitress to Julia Roberts in the very beginning.
Favorite Quote: Not personal? That is my work! My sweat! My time away from my kids! If that’s not personal, I don’t know what is.
Find out more info on IMDb.

What movies about work would you add to this list? Comment directly on this post, or reply to me directly on Twitter:
I’m so happy you mentioned The Office. That is my all time favorite work movie!
You have some great choices here, and a few I need to watch! I’ve never seen Pursuit of Happyness, and I LOVE Will Smit!
You’ll LOVE it! The ending made me cry!
I have only seen a few of these! Norma Rae is an excellent movie, will have to watch that one again!!
Absolutely!! It’s such a good one!
You’ve got some really cool classic movies here. Brings back memories for sure. We’ve been watching movies all day today.
It’s definitely one of my favorite things to do lately!
I love Office Space and Working Girl!
Those are good ones!
9 to 5! THE first best office work film, and still the best. Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, giving the patriarchy a high heel shoe up the butt!
I definitely need to check that one out! I haven’t seen it yet!