Indeed is one of my favorite job search websites, and I use them all the time to find work from home jobs. However, without the right tactics, you can miss a lot of the jobs that allow you to work remotely. So, I have a few essential tips for using Indeed to find a work at home job.

What search terms should you use on Indeed to find a work from home job?

I use a few different searches to bring up work from home jobs. You will notice that they often bring up the same results, but every now and then, you will run into a job listing that wasn’t on the other searches you conducted. So, here are my recommended search terms:

  • In the location field, use the word “remote”
Indeed work from home remote

Although this brings up employers from all different locations, the jobs that do come up in this search hire remote workers. However, when looking for a remote job, read job ads closely. Many employers will require job seekers to be from certain states or countries.

  • Put the words “fully remote” in the “what” field of the search.
Indeed work from home remote

Some jobs will offer remote/work-from-home opportunities, but may still require the employee to come into the office. So, use the term “fully remote” to improve your chances of finding jobs that do not require you to go anywhere.

You will also notice that I didn’t list a location. I didn’t do that because even though I live in Oregon, it doesn’t mean that a company with a corporate office in New York won’t hire me. That’s the beauty of remote work! The majority of employers will hire you anywhere you are, with the exception of those requiring you to be in a certain state or country.

  • Put the words “work from home” in the “what” field.
Indeed work from home remote

This is another term that many employers will use in their job ads. Unfortunately, this search will often bring up job ads where the employer is saying they do NOT offer work from home opportunities. So, read the job ad closely.

How do you find a work from home job in your field?

Looking for a job that lets you work from home while also staying in your field can be challenging. I use a few different methods to look for jobs in my field (which is writing and content marketing) using Indeed.

  • Add your ideal job title to the searches.

In addition to the searches I’ve listed above, I also do a separate search for jobs in my field. So, if you are searching for writing jobs, you may do “work from home writer” in the “what” field, like this:

Indeed work from home remote

You can do that for any type of job you are searching for, whether it’s web design, medical coding, teaching, customer service, engineering – you name it!

I also use a similar tactic, but I put the location as “remote” and then I add terms like “content writer” or “blogging” or “social media, in the “what” area, like this:

Indeed work from home remote

You would do that same thing whether you were looking for a teaching job, or customer service job, or anything else.

  • Use the Indeed app.

I often use the Indeed app to do my job searching (then, I apply later using their regular website on my laptop). Funny thing is, on their app, they let you narrow down your searches to specific job categories. I don’t see they let you do that on their website.

So, if you have the app downloaded, do one of the searches I have listed above, such as “fully remote” or “work from home” and then in your search, go to that “job category” area and then narrow it down by field:

Indeed work from home remote
Indeed work from home remote

I would say do this in addition to the searches geared towards your specific field. I do notice that sometimes narrowing things down like this eliminates jobs you might be interested in applying.

In all honesty, I do this in addition to looking at all the remote job listings (without narrowing down by field), because I want to catch them all. This is something you may want to do if you are in a spot where you have a variety of skills that can be applied to a variety of job niches.

If you are really eager to find a work from home job, I hope this helps you in your search. I offer up a few other tips on a previous blog post of mine for other websites to use in your search.

By Nicole Pyles

I started this blog in 2012 when I got let go of my first job out of college. Since then, I've continued talking about my job search experience, office politics, unemployment stories written by others, movies I've enjoyed, products I've loved, and more. This blog is about work, life, and everything else in between.

6 thoughts on “Essential Tips for Finding Work from Home Jobs on Indeed”
  1. Yes! Working from home has gotten a lot easier with more companies accepting remote workers. Now is the time to pivot to online opportunities.

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