hand with a maple leaf
Photo by Anna Kóró on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/hand-with-a-maple-leaf-5778748/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

Anyone else struggling with allergies still? Even though the warmer months are behind us, the fall can also just be as bad for allergies. If you are allergic to outdoor items such as pollen or ragweed, these peak in the fall which can affect up to 20% of Americans. Don’t let your watery eyes, itchy throat, and sneezing stop you from enjoying the changing of the leaves. Instead, I have a few tips to help you reduce your effects not only outside but also within your home too. After all, this is one of the most beautiful times of the year so you’ll want to enjoy it as best you can. 

  1. Break Out The Rake – As tempting as it might be to jump into a pile of leaves, if you have, allergies you should resist doing this. A pile of leaves is a huge no-no for those that suffer from mold and dust allergies. You can rake frequently to help tidy up your lawn and possibly consider wearing a mask to do it but do your best to not stir up your allergies even more. Don’t worry about missing out on the moments as you can be the professional photographer taking in the time your family enjoys playing in the colorful leaves.
  1. Hayrides – While hayrides might be a huge bucket list to check off when the weather cools down, treat hayrides similar to the leaves. Hay also holds a lot of pollen, mold, and dust that can aggravate your allergies. If you have annual hayrides traditions with your family, just be sure to stay on top of any allergy medicine or pills you need to take before you go to make it easier on yourself. It’s hard to get away from hay when you are trying to enjoy picking out pumpkins or apples with the family I’m sure so staying on top of your medicine is key to making it as enjoyable as possible. 
  1. Wipe It All Down – Fall also means a new school year for some and a host of new allergens for those with children as well as your home. Do yourself a favor and wipe everything down when they come home from school. This includes their lunch boxes, backpacks, and calculators that could be carrying these germs and allergies. Similar, be quick to throw out paper, such as mail and other paperwork you bring in the home during this time of year. Paper can hold dust either in their drawers or backpack if it’s been sitting in there for a while. 
  1. Add A Purifier – Different than a humidifier that is supposed to add moisture to the air, a purifier purifies the air meaning that it doesn’t add or take away any moisture. It just removes the pollutant particles from the air that could be aggravating your allergies. Having this in your home can help you sleep better, breathe better, and give you the peace of mind you deserve throughout the day.

Image: Nash Everett

  1. Call A Professional – If you think your home has mold then you’ll want to call in a professional to help the root of the problem. If you live in New Jersey, a popular and very cost-effective company to call is called Nash Everett. They provide indoor air quality guidance, answers, and corrective measures for any reasonable budget for individuals, property owners, and homeowners. When talking about air quality within a structure, they mean are there to help relate to your health and comfort. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce your risk of any health concerns including your allergies. Sometimes the treatment is simply eliminating the person’s exposure to the source of pollution when it’s identified. If you are looking for a mold removal company in the Tom’s River area, Nash Everett is your ideal candidate. 
  1. Dress Up – When it’s time to pull out any Halloween costumes or decorations out of the attic, they are most likely covered in dust. Before it comes time to decorate your home for the fall, or put on costumes to see if they still fit, give everything a good wash to kill any dust mites or other allergens. Pop it in the dryer rather than hang them on the clothesline to prevent from gathering pollen as well. Any decor that wasn’t properly wrapped, also wipe them down with proper chemical-free sprays to get rid of the dust. 

While there are many remedies to help you get through each season for your allergies, it’s a good idea to also discuss them with your doctor before trying them out. Make sure that you have a full diagnosis and listen to their suggestions on what is best for you and your situation. It might be wise to also call in a professional who can help take care of any concerns you might have about your home’s condition such as Nash Everett, who can give you an estimate on what it would take to remove any mold or help assist you in your most time of need. 

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By Nicole Pyles

I started this blog in 2012 when I got let go of my first job out of college. Since then, I've continued talking about my job search experience, office politics, unemployment stories written by others, movies I've enjoyed, products I've loved, and more. This blog is about work, life, and everything else in between.

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