Raise your hand if you are without a Valentine this Valentine’s Day. Well, join the club. First, just because you don’t have partner, doesn’t mean your Valentine and celebration of love can’t come in the form of  family members, your children, close friends, furry friends or even in your relationship with God. With that said though, whether you are bitter about romantic love, hopeful, or indifferent, I decided to put together a list of movies to watch that will cure what ails you.

1) Ghost Town

Okay this is kind of a love story, kind of not. Most of all, it’s really funny. I’m a huge fan of Ricky Gervais and his role as the awkward dentist who is pretty unlikable to most people he works and lives around. Also, I am a fan of Greg Kinnear too, who plays the ghost haunting Ricky Gervais. It’s a must watch for when you need a laugh.

IMDB link.

2) Irrational Man

Starring Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone, a professor steps into someone else’s life after eavesdropping on a woman in a cafe. This is an entertaining movie and I love the pace of it. It makes you wonder about morals and all of that bigger thinking kind of stuff. How much does Joaquin’s character actually help someone else’s life? Guaranteed to get your mind of the chocolates and roses surrounding everyone else’s desks at work.

IMDB link

3) Only the Lonely

I’m a sucker for a movie about a dysfunctional person finding love. This stars John Candy, one of my favorite comedic actors, in a romantic role. The biggest hindrance to a relationship with the woman who works down at the funeral home is his own mom. She can’t let go but neither can John Candy’s character. Will he find love or will he get in his own way? If you happen to have family issues mixed in with your romantic relationships, than you need to watch this one. It’s a light hearted, heart warming movie perfect for a day like this.


4) Punch Drunk Love

Adam Sandler is phenomenal in this movie. Really. If you haven’t seen it, he plays a guy named Barry who owns his own business and is just highly dysfunctional. He has a bunch of sisters who are nosy, bossy, obnoxious and can’t mind their own business and let him live his own life. He also gets really obsessed about this travel points through Healthy Choice. And then he finds love. It’s wonderfully filmed and perfect for those of us a tad hopeful but just can’t seem to get relationships right.


5) Play Misty for Me

Music, jazz, the 70s, and an early Clint Eastwood role. Add into that the San Francisco bay area and an obsessive woman than you have one of my favorite movies. It’s about a guy who gets the attention of the wrong woman. Jessica Walter plays an excellent obsessive woman. It’s a must watch, especially if you’ve ever been in a spot where you can’t get over someone (or someone can’t get over you).


6) Cyrus

This is another one that’s an example of family, romance, and dysfunction all mixed into one. I love all three of the characters in this – John C Reilly, Marisa Tomei, and Jonah Hill. My favorite scene is in the beginning when Marisa Tomei steps in to help John C. Reilly out at a party. You’ll see. It makes this whole movie worth watching.


7) Perfect Getaway

When you’re on your honeymoon, the last thing you expect to run into is a serial killer. This is a great whodunit and you’ll be guessing until the end. Troubling and exciting all at the same time.  Perfect for when love has gone horribly horribly wrong.


8) Little Miss Sunshine

This is just about a family trying to get their little girl to a beauty pageant. It’s about so much more though. A family trying to make things work. It’s funny and heart warming and will definitely make you forget about Valentine’s Day. It’ll remind you about everything in your life that matters and about the people that wouldn’t hesitate to jump on stage with you and dance if you needed it.


9) The Savages

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney play brother and sister in this movie about them trying to put their father in a nursing home. I guess you can find a trend here. Another dysfunctional family movie, of course. And it’s amazing.


10) Fatal Attraction

I couldn’t help but end this list with this movie. If you haven’t seen it, add this to your must watch list. It’s thrilling and I love Glenn Close. Michael Douglas is incredible too. All about love gone wrong.


What movies do you recommend for Valentine’s Day? 

By Nicole Pyles

I started this blog in 2012 when I got let go of my first job out of college. Since then, I've continued talking about my job search experience, office politics, unemployment stories written by others, movies I've enjoyed, products I've loved, and more. This blog is about work, life, and everything else in between.

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